

Module 6  Old and New Introduction

发布时间:2019-09-25 17:37 栏目:教学设计 发布单位:平罗县第二中学 点击量:1400 【公开】


主备教师:姚进   参备教师:何瑞  张学梅 杨灵霄 马荣 郑恩月 朱喜娟

Teaching Content:

Module 6  Old and New


Teaching Period:




Teaching   Design









Knowledge Aims:

To   learn and master the new words and expressions:

bulletin,   civil, canal, cliff, dam, gorge, reservoir, structure, terminal, accommodate,   date from


1.   The original wall was 6, 300 kilometres long.

2.   The airport is within five hours flying time of   half the worlds population.

3.   Its reservoir is more than 500 kilometres long.

Ability Aims:

1.Enable   students to learn about old and new buildings.

2.Let   students talk about buildings around them.

Emotional Aims:

Enable   Ss to love our country and be proud of China.





How   to improve students’ speaking ability.

Talking   about famous buildings.





How   to describe buildings around us.



1. Listening to the tape.

2. Discussing.

Teaching   Aids

A   recorder, a computer, and a projector



Teaching Procedure:

Step Ⅰ Greetings and Lead-in

T: Good morning, boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning,  Mr/Miss…

T: As we know, nowadays we can travel faster and more easily than   before. Many foreigners come to China to visit places of interest. Who would   like to tell me the names of some places of interest?

S1: The West Lake, the Forbidden   city, the Great Wall and the Summer Place.

T: Good job! Thank you! Which of   them can be seen from the sky?

S2: The Great Wall.

T: Quite well!

StepⅡ Introduction    Pre-speaking

(Ask and answer questions.)

Ask several students individually   the four questions.

T: Now please open your books on P51. Look at Part 1 Introduction. Here   are four questions for you. You may discuss them with your partner. Then I   will ask you to give me your answers.

(A few minutes later, ask several   pairs of students to ask and answer the questions.)

S1: Zhang Yan, do you know how far   the Great Wall is from our city?

S2: I think it’s about 1, 500   kilometers.

S3: Can you tell me which is the   biggest airport in the country?

S4: I’m not sure which airport is the biggest. But I know some big   famous airports. They are the Capital Airport in Beijing, Baiyun   International Airport in Guangzhou, Hong Kong International Airport. How   about you?

S3: I know Hongqiao Internatinal Airport is also very big. Besides,   another big airport—Pudong Airport, which will be completed in Shanghai soon.  

S5: Is there any dam near our town?  


1. How far is the Great Wall of   China from where you live?

2. Which is the biggest airport in   the country?

3. Is there a dam near your town?

4. Do you know the names of the   reservoir that provides water for your town?

Various answers are possible.

Step III Learning new words

(Teach students the words in the   box one by one. Explain several important words. )

1.civil adj. (belonging to the     people of a place) e.g. Every citizen has civil rights and civil duties. 2.dam n. (a wall or bank built to     keep back water)e.g. The Aswan High Dam helps to control the Nile in Egypt. 3. terminal n. (end of a railway     line, bus line, etc.)e.g. We got off the train at the terminal.

StepIV Reading and speaking

T: Now we are going to read three short passages. Read them carefully   and try to remember as much information as possible. After that I’ll ask some   of you to do some exercises.

(Several minutes later)

1. Read The Great Wall of China and   fill in the blanks.

The   Great Wall of China is the longest __________ structure ever built. The   original wall was _________long. Most of the Great Wall dates from the   ____________. The eastern end of the wall is at ______________, while the   western end is at _________.

2. Read   the passage of HongKong International Airport, and decide True or False.

1).   Chek Lap Kok Airport is the biggest civil engineering project of all time.

2).   It took 6 years and cost 20 billion pounds to build the airport.

3.The   terminal ground is the largest covered space in the world.

4.   The airport is designed to accommodate 18 million passengers a year.

3.   Read the passage of The Three Gorges Dam and answer the following questions.

1.   What kind of dam is the Three Gorges Dam?

2.   How long is the reservoir of the Three Gorges Dam?

Step V

Can you list some other magnificent   man-made projects?

The Grand Canal京杭大运河

The Sichuan - Tibet Highway 川藏公路

South-to-North Water Transfer   Project 南水北调工程






Blackboard  Design

Module 6    Old and New  Introduction

bulletin,   civil, canal, cliff, dam, gorge, reservoir, structure, terminal, accommodate,   date from

1.   The original wall was 6, 300 kilometres long.

2.   The airport is within five hours flying time of   half the worlds   population.

3.   Its reservoir is more than 500 kilometres long.



Preview the new   words and expressions in Reading.




Teaching Reflection

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