

Module 6 Old and New 教案

发布时间:2019-09-25 17:35 栏目:教学设计 发布单位:平罗县第二中学 点击量:1696 【公开】

The Second Period Reading

Teaching Goals 教学目标

1.Target language 目标语言


relic, site, generate, harness, historical, narrow, poem, submerge, global, remove, dream of, come true


1. Now his dream has come true.

2. Sun Yat-sen, who was the leader of the 1911 Revolution, first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River in 1919.

3. Burning coal causes serious air pollution and increases global warming.

4. The dam will generate electricity equal to about 40 million tons of coal without causing so much air pollution.

2.Ability target 能力目标

Enable students to obtain the fast speed reading ability, such as skimming, scanning, and making a summary.

3.Learning-skill target 学能目标

Let students learn how to describe places and buildings.

Let students summarize the main idea of the text.

Teaching important points 教学重点

Give the right questions for the answers according to the text.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

How to analyze the text and grasp the main idea of the text.

Teaching methods 教学方法

Skimming, listening and discussing.

Teaching aids 教具准备

A tape recorder a projector and a blackboard

Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方法

Step Ⅰ Greetings and revision

1. Greet the whole class as usual.

2. Ask some questions about the three short passages in Introduction part.

T: Good morning/afternoon everyone!

Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Mr. Chen.

T: We read three short passages during the last lesson. Now I’ll ask some detailed questions about the three buildings.

Q1: How long was the original wall of the Great Wall?

Q2: How much did it cost to build Hong Kong International  Airport?

Q3: Which river is the Three Gorges Dam built over?

Suggested Answers:

Q1: The original wall was 6, 300 kilometers long.

Q2: $20 billion.

Q3: The Three Gorges Dam is built over the Yangtze River.

StepⅡ Vocabulary

Teach students how to guess the meaning of new words.

T: When we read, we often meet new words. What shall we do if we don’t have a dictionary at hand? We may do as follows. We’d better read the whole sentence first. Then try to work out what kind of word it is. It is a noun, verb, or an adjective, etc. Lastly, we can use the words before and after that to help us guess the meaning.

True or false sentences

Ask Ss to do this exercise individually. Two or three minutes later, check the answers with the whole class.

Learning new words

Teach students the words in the box one by one. Explain several important words.

1.dream v. (hope for something nice in the future)

e.g.   He often dreams of going to Europe.

2. generate vt. (cause to exist, produce)

e.g.   Loud laughter was generated all through the crowd.

3. harness vt. (use a river, waterfall, etc. to produce power)

e.g.   It is a good idea to harness the river to generate electricity.

4.submerge v. (go under the surface of the water)

e.g.   The crocodile submerged when it saw the boat.

Answering questions

T: Mao Zedong wrote a poem in which he dreamed of “walls of stone…” Did Mao Zedong actually see the walls of stone?

S1: No.

T: The power of the Yangtze River has been harnessed by the Three Gorges Dam. Does this mean that the power can be used or not? 

S2: This means that the power can be used.

T: Sun Yat-sen first suggested the idea in 1919. Did Sun Yat-sen think of the idea himself or hear it from someone else?

S3: He thought of the idea himself.

T: About 800 historical relics have been submerged. Is it possible to see the relics now that they have been submerged?

S4: It is impossible.

StepⅢ Lead-in

T: With the fast development of science and technology, people live a much more comfortable life than ever before. More and more people even including peasants in the countryside buy air-conditioners. So we need more electricity. As a result, the Three Gorges Dam has been built not long ago. Today we will learn a passage about the Three Gorges Dam. (Write the title on the Bb)

StepⅣ Reading

1. Skimming

T: Now please look through the text and then do some reading comprehension exercises according to the text.

Choose the best answers.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1. Who dreamed of harnessing the power of the Yangtze River?

A. Sun Yat-sen.  B. Mao Zedong.    C. Deng Xiaoping.    D. A great designer.

2. How many tons of coal was used for heating and generating electricity in 1993?

A. 1.2 billion.     B. 20 billion.      C. 40 billion.     D. About 800 billion.

3. What problem does burning coal cause?

A. Air pollution.                   B. Increasing global warning.  

C. Destroying the balance of nature.   D. Both A and B.

4. Which of the following famous historical sites is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. The Qu Yuan Temple.            B. The Han Watchtower.

C. The Grand Canal.               D. The Moya Cliff carvings.

Key: BADC    

2. Scanning

(Get the students to read the passage carefully again.)

T: Now read the text carefully and finish part 3, that is, write questions for the answers. You can look at the example first.

A few minutes later, check the answers in the class.

T: OK. Are you ready? (Ss: Yes.) Let’s begin to give the questions. Volunteers!

Suggested answers:

1. Why was the Three Gorges Dam built?

2. How high is the dam?

3. How wide is the dam?

4. Who first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze  River?

5. How much energy is produced by burning coal?

6. How many villages have been flooded by the reservoir?

Ask the Ss to listen to the passage and try to get the main idea.

T: Now we are going to listen to the passage and after that I’ll give you two or three minutes to summarize the main idea of this passage.

Main idea: The Three Gorges Dam, which is the largest hydro-electric power station and dam in the world, has been built to control flooding and generate electricity for the central part ofChina.

Play the tape for the Ss to listen and then help them get the main idea.

T: We have got the main idea of the text. Now let’s learn some difficult languages points together.

Show the notes on the blackboard.

Language learning:

1.come true 

At   last Lincoln’s   dream came true.

2.equal to

Tom   is equal to John in height.

3.live a … life

At   present they live a comfortable life.


All   my students have seen the film, including me.

StepⅤ Discussion

Ask Ss to discuss the three questions on P54. A few minutes later, ask several students to give their answers.

T:  We know that building the Three Gorges Dam is good for many people especially the ones who live in the central part ofChina. Who would like to describe the advantages of the Three Gorges Dam? Any volunteers?

S1: Coal is one of the natural resources that are limited. Harnessing the power of the Yangtze River can save a lot of coal. It can help to reduce the air pollution as well.

T:  Good! You are right. The Three Gorges Dam has much effect on us human beings. On the other hand, sometimes it is bad for us. Now, who can tell us the disadvantages of the Three Gorges Dam?

S2: It has flooded a large area including 2 cities, 11 counties, and 140 towns and more than 4, 000 villages. A great many people have to leave their hometown and set up a new home that is never as good and comfortable as the one before. What’s worse, some ofChina’s most famous historical sites have been submerged, for example, the Qu Yuan Temple.

T:  Do you think the advantages are more important than the disadvantages?

S3: Yes. We can harness the power of the dam to produce electricity for a long time after it is built.

StepⅥ Task

T: Great changes have taken place in our country. A great many buildings are being built around us. Bring out a piece of paper and list the changes. For example, the opening of a new airport or the opening of a new dam and so on. I’ll collect your papers in three minutes.

Three minutes later, collect students’ papers and select some goods ones and then ask the students writing them to read them in the class.)

T: Imagine that you are preparing the news item for a foreign audience who need extra information. Add extra information when you refer to Chinese people or places and make up a news item with your partner taking the following roles: a studio newsreader, a TV journalist on the spot and local people who are invited.

Teacher goes around the classroom to help the students who need help. A few minutes later, ask two groups to act out their news items.


N—Newsreader, J—Journalist, L—Local people

N: Hello, Wang Jun! A new car factory is being built in our city. Will you please give us some detailed information?

J: OK! Now I’m attending the opening of this new car factory. The building lies in the south of our city, He Fei. It covers an area of about 100, 000 square metres. This factory will make parts of cars for a big company. Now let’s see what peasants think of this matter.

L: We felt glad at the news that a new car factory would be built here because the factory will employ some of us. There will be more consumers as well. You know, we can sell goods to people who work in the factory. But we are all worried the pollution caused by the factory.

J: Don’t worry about it. The waste will not cause pollution because it will be purged first before it pours out.

L: I’m glad to hear that.

J: Thank you!

StepⅦ Homework

1. Workbook. P98. Ask Ss to do the vocabulary part individually.

2.Preview the next part—Grammar 1 and Grammar 2 and then do the exercises on P97.





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