

Module 5 Writing

发布时间:2019-09-25 17:31 栏目:教学设计 发布单位:平罗县第二中学 点击量:1201 【公开】


主备教师:姚进    参备教师:何瑞 张学梅 杨灵霄 马荣 郑恩月 朱喜娟

Teaching Content:

Module 5

Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient   China  ------Writing

Teaching Period:


Period 9

Teaching   Design






Teaching  Aims

Knowledge Aims:

Enable the Ss to write an essay to give their   opinions about advantages and disadvantages of television.

Ability Aims:

Learn the statement of advantages and disadvantages   of a subject: topic sentences and supporting sentences.

Emotional Aims:

To arouse their curiosity of the great inventions and   let them know the importance of being creative.


Important  Points

Enable the students   to know how to write and express agreement and disagreement.



Difficult   Points

The statement of advantages and disadvantages of a   subject: topic sentences and supporting sentences.

Teaching Methods

1.Individual   work learning.

2.Team work   learning.

3.Task-based   learning.

Teaching  Aids

Multimedia, a   projector and a computer.


Teaching Procedure:





Step 1 Revision 

1.Word   dictation

2.Show the   topic and learning aims to the whole class.

Step 2  Self-study

1. Ask Ss to   read the passage on page 48 and finish Activity 1 on page 47. Get them to   focus on the structure of the passage:

Read the   passage about the advantages and disadvantages of car, and match the essay   paragraphs with these descriptions.

This   paragraph gives the argument against cars.

The   conclusion: this gives the writers final opinion.

This   paragraph gives the argument for cars.

The   introduction: this gives some general facts about the subject.

Suggested   answers: Para.  3;  4;    2;  1


2. Read the   essay again. Answer these questions.

1). How many   advantages are described?

2). How many   disadvantages are described?

3). What   phrase does the writer use to start the last paragraph?

Suggested   answers: 1). Three; 2). Two; 3). In conclusion.

Step3.   Speaking

Discuss the   advantages and disadvantages of television.

1. Students work in groups of four to talk about it,   then ask some groups to share with the class.

2. Advantages of TV:

(1) Help us   know about the world.

(2) Help us   learn about latest news including weather report and some current affairs.

(3) Offer a   form of self-entertainment to kill the time.

(4) It is a   kind of educational tool for us to learn about some subject, such as English,   Chinese, Geography and so on.

Disadvantages   of TV

(1) Watching   TV for a long time is bad for our eyes.

(2) It has a   bad effect on our studies and life. if we are addicted to it.

(3) It is a   waste of time watching TV.

(4) It makes   you stay away from your friends.

Step4. Write   an essay on this subject: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Television

 typical patterns

Teach the   typical patterns used in such an essay

Para 1: Televisions   were first used , and , but today

Para 2:   Televisions have great advantages: besides, Whats more

Para 3: But   televisions also have great disadvantages: not only but also, Whats worse,     

Para 4: In   conclusion/In a word, I think that television


Sample   passage

The advantages and disadvantages of television

     The television was invented by a Scotsman called John Logie Baird in the   first part of the 20th century, however, they didnt come into widespread use until after World War   II. These days almost everybody has a television, and many western homes have   a TV in every room!

     Television can be wonderful, if used   correctly. You can keep up to date with what is going on in the world, learn   about history, nature, geography and science in the comfort of your own home.   It is a marvellous educational tool. It also provides entertainment in the   form of films, plays, shows and soaps which appeal to a wide range of   viewers. It is also a very good companion for people who live alone or are   ill.

     However, there are also serious   disadvantages to the TV. It makes people become very passive-they get all   their experience of life second-hand instead of doing it themselves. It   prevents people reading and talking. Much of what shown is complete waste of   time.

In conclusion, I think that, used correctly, TV   can be very useful thing to have in the home, but used badly, it has a very   negative effect on people.




Blackboard  Design

Module 5 Great People and Great   Inventions of Ancient China  ------Writing

typical   patterns

Para 1:   Televisions were first used , and , but today

Para 2:   Televisions have great advantages: besides, Whats more

Para 3: But   televisions also have great disadvantages: not only but also, Whats worse,     

Para 4: In   conclusion/In a word, I think that television


Finish the composition.



Teaching Reflection




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